Saturday, October 6, 2007

Pink or Blue?

This one's easy!! Let's see who guesses correctly:




You can even take it one step further and share why you think it's going to be pink or blue!


gloria said...

I just think Jelly bean is going to be blue. Just a feeling.
Blue, blue, I think its a BOY for you.

Heather Henderson said...

I agree. BLUE is what the Dr. ordered.

Anthony and Sharon said...

Boy. Although she'll be cute if she's a girl too.

My suspicion comes from the way Andrea is carrying. Granted, every woman carries every baby different, but it seems all the mommies of little girls (like Andrea's friend Emily) are carrying all-over and their tummies are wider than they are poking out...Andrea's is OBVIOUSLY poking out:) That and I'm having a boy and are carrying low...Andrea (in the beginning at least!) was carrying pretty low for awhile.

Again, either way JellyBean Shefferman is gonna look great in green and yellow!:)

Sara said...

I agree also and say blue!!

I think boy because of how Andrea is carrying also. When I was pregnant I looked like Emily and Michelle (who had a boy) looked like you, Andrea, like someone put a basketball under your shirt!!

Band of Bohlens said...

I am going to say girl, just because no one else has. Andrea, you better bring your glitter to the hospital, I expect the picture to be of her with glitter on her lips.

Eddie and Monika (Purba) Landry said...

PINK - "Because I want it to be a girl." said Monika. "But if it is a boy we'll love him too!

GoVols said...

Blue, but who am I to say. I thought Andrea was a boy too!!
love Mom T.

The Caldwell's said...

I am going to agree w/ the majority and say blue! But we will see! OH how exciting! Little boys are so much fun!

Unknown said...

Gracey & Faith say PINK! (but we're sure they'll love blue too.)

marykeel said...

I'm thinking pink. I don't know why.

The Agarwals said...

Sticking with pink- hmm... it's been our guess all along!!!

Kelley C said...

My vote has always been BLUE