Saturday, October 6, 2007

Daddy Do's and Don'ts

Share with Adam one (or more) major daddy do

and one major daddy don't!


Deanna said...

Do - find one area of expertise with the baby and make it your own. My husband owns baby bathtime. He's better at it than me and I love it when I don't have to.

Deanna said...

Don't - Dont' try to dress the baby without mom's input.

Kevin & Sara said...

When you get up in the middle of the night to hold the baby. Andrea is tired of feeding etc and needs a break. Make sure you have a shirt ON. Babies find it difficult to distinguish between Mom's milk supply and Dad's dry wells. (You think the hair might give it away - but NO)

Jackie said...

Dear Daddy,
Years from now when you want to yell at me, please pray first. That book you like so much says to be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath (you can tell me later what all the big words mean).
Oh, and always remember that I LOVE YOU, TOO, DADDY!
Your little Jellybean
PS You're gonn'a do a GREAT job!

gloria said...

Dos-I want my daddy to play baseball with me and be proud of me even when I strike out.
Don'ts- Please don't yell at the umpire and run up and down the sidelines.
Oh yea, and please don't take pix of me with ugly faces and post them when I'm grown for all my friends to see:)

Heather Henderson said...

Daddy's must always wrestle. And Daddy should have Daddy/daughter dates or Daddy/son dates.

Daddy's should always take the advice and instruction from the questions.

Anthony and Sharon said...

DO- Teach him (if he's a boy) to protect and love his'll be good practice for when he's married. As soon as he can, make sure he takes her on dates and opens the door for her (for mommy and any little sisters too)

DON'T- let go of the stroller at Disney World (when you visit home) and let it roll down a hill to provide entertainment for Jellybean... little old ladies get in the way sometimes:)

Eddie and Monika (Purba) Landry said...

Adam be there to support your wife. Yes the first month or so Jellybean will seem to be just a eating, pooing, peeing ball of joy; but hang in there they get more and more fun as the months go by. They grow fast, savor every moment. Hey jellybean propped on your thighs while you sit on the floor with your knees pointing upward is a great way to play and have Jellybean look at you. I am kind of sad it won't be long before our little Jellybean will be to tall for that. Your Jellybean smiling back at you is PRICELESS. Savor every moment.

GoVols said...

The word Dad mean PLAY. I think you will be wonderful.
Love Mom T.

Unknown said...

Do: All the fun things you think up already.... houses made of boxes, hide-n-seek, wrestlings, care bears, "Little Toot" readings, and just lots of time and love. We can't imagine giving you any ideas on what to do as a father, Adam; because it seems very natural to you. Our girls really cherish their time with you, and we know jellybean will be blessed. We can't wait to watch you be a dad.

The Agarwals said...

Daddy do- hold me, rock me, sing to me, read to me and play, play, play with me (just be gentle- so Andrea doesn't freak out!!)
Daddy don't- Don't forget to let Mommy have some time alone to refresh and refuel- don't forget your Daddy and that He has created you to do an amazing job bringing up little Jellybean to love and adore Him as well!

Kelley C said...

Do plan daddy/baby time so andrea has time for herself! Make her take time for herself if she isn't up to doing it.

Don't be afraid to ask questions- we all asked them at some point. Better to ask...